Thursday, January 04, 2007

How to start the New Year right (my version)

I’m not really a New Year’s Resolution advocate but this year, hoping 2007 will be better, I have listed down my agendas. Although these are “me-specific”, who knows, one or two might be applicable to you.

  1. A quiet welcome – for the past five years we celebrated the New Year at a relative’s house with everybody. This year, we initially planned to do the same but changed our minds the last minute. Instead, we bid goodbye to 2006 quietly with hugs, grapes, and a toss of sparkling cider, just the four of us. Such change is nice.
  2. My eyes on the calendars – unlike the past years when I delayed the disposal of previous year's calendars, this time, I stashed the old ones promptly and hang the new ones right away. I’m not really superstitious but I heard from somewhere that doing so, you are giving the New Year an easy access and thereby things will come to you light and easy too.
  3. I opted to simplify – simplification to me means removing the clutters and the excesses. The files, magazines, old clothes, accessories, and things I don’t use but still keep, need to go. I realized being sentimental takes up a lot of closet space. I’m sure Brack will appreciate this move.
  4. I’m not perfect – and since I’m not, this year I promise to forgive people who intentionally or unintentionally hurt me in the past. I maybe one of the most understanding and caring women you’ll ever know but I hold grudges. And now I have decided to move on and let go of these negative emotions I’ve been keeping inside. Whether or not I’ll succeed in flushing it all out completely, at least, I'll try, and I’ll start.
  5. I’ll stretch – which means two things: (a) physical stretch which I really need after feasting on the holiday menus, and (b) exercise more patience and tolerance. I commit to be more resilient. I’ll learn to accept things and people as it is/they are and not how I wanted it/them to be. Will definitely try to be more calm and grateful and not comparing.
So, these plus a couple more tiny things I will embrace starting immediately. Wish me luck!

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.~Oprah Winfrey

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