Thursday, April 27, 2006

taken for granted

Accomplishing everything changes it from being indispensable and desirable to just being taken for granted. This is what I say.

Have you ever felt being taken for granted after exerting more than enough effort, energy, and dedication into doing something or serving others? Believe me, it is not a happy experience. It actually made me believe that luck really exists. Why? How would you call the people who are not trying hard enough, but make another's life miserable, yet get good rewards and recognition? Lucky, right?

They say life begins at forty, at first I wonder; now I believe them. For when I turned forty, I learned so many things about life, things I thought I knew. But I ended up discovering that life has more hidden agendas that what is on the surface. Suddenly I’m a bit shaky and unsure of what’s going to happen, just like the outcome of a science experiment, you cannot conclude unless all the testing’s are done. I can’t wait to be forty-one for then maybe; I’ll pass this aleatory stage of confusion and stop altercating with myself.

Time please, alleviate my heavy feelings.

Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you've become a comfortable trusted element in another person's life. This is what Dr. Joyce Brothers said. I'll keep it to console me.


boo ✈️ said...

a person takes you for granted only when he is in the state of denial of how you have won over his glory.
given that, happy are those that are taken for granted!

Zarah Dizon said...

Hi Igs!
