I’m not referring to Ferdinand Magellan, the first circumnavigator who discovered the Philippines in 1521, but rather, I am writing about a by-product of his career – four hundred eighty-seven years later…
This is what I’m talking about…my first ever GPS. Magellan – proudly Philippine made. This product was made in the same export zone I worked for more than a decade when I was still in the country. The same export processing zone Brack and I met...see the connection? whatever...
I know that I am a big late to own one, I mean for someone who’s crazy about tech gadgets, but I’m also an advocate of practicality. If a product won’t have a use for me, I won’t buy it; it doesn’t matter if it’s the cutest, inexpensive or latest tech gadget out there.
When the portable version of the GPS hit the market big two years ago, I didn’t even bother to know what it can do, nor didn’t even bother to inspect the display units despite my frequent visits to Circuit City or Best Buy. I said to myself “what for?” there is map quest. My drive is a routine and roads in Los Angeles were paralleled. I guess, I don't really know my roads that well, for in 2 or 3 occasions, I would get lost and needed to call Brack in the midst of his meetings or heavy workload for driving directions to get home. On those occasions, we ended up irritated with each other, and he would end up saying I should get one of those portable GPS or do not drive at all if I don’t know where I’m going.
Submitting to Brack, (who would not? if you're asked to do something you really wanted to do anyways), I got me the most reliable driving companion. So for two months now, I’ve been driving with more confidence that I can surely find my way home, day or night. Just so happy with this one. By the ways, my boss got one of this too before me, the higher end model. He influenced me with this brand actually. Get one, you’ll gonna love it, the features were awesome. I hope Magellan will reward me for this blog with a unit upgrade later :-)
In the end, the two Magellans, first the person, second my driving companion, were both blessings. For the second won't exist without the first.

I know that I am a big late to own one, I mean for someone who’s crazy about tech gadgets, but I’m also an advocate of practicality. If a product won’t have a use for me, I won’t buy it; it doesn’t matter if it’s the cutest, inexpensive or latest tech gadget out there.
When the portable version of the GPS hit the market big two years ago, I didn’t even bother to know what it can do, nor didn’t even bother to inspect the display units despite my frequent visits to Circuit City or Best Buy. I said to myself “what for?” there is map quest. My drive is a routine and roads in Los Angeles were paralleled. I guess, I don't really know my roads that well, for in 2 or 3 occasions, I would get lost and needed to call Brack in the midst of his meetings or heavy workload for driving directions to get home. On those occasions, we ended up irritated with each other, and he would end up saying I should get one of those portable GPS or do not drive at all if I don’t know where I’m going.
Submitting to Brack, (who would not? if you're asked to do something you really wanted to do anyways), I got me the most reliable driving companion. So for two months now, I’ve been driving with more confidence that I can surely find my way home, day or night. Just so happy with this one. By the ways, my boss got one of this too before me, the higher end model. He influenced me with this brand actually. Get one, you’ll gonna love it, the features were awesome. I hope Magellan will reward me for this blog with a unit upgrade later :-)
In the end, the two Magellans, first the person, second my driving companion, were both blessings. For the second won't exist without the first.
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