Thursday, November 08, 2007

Piece of thought (Part 2)

Fast learner
I’m a fast learner. After spending a couple of hours on my new job last Monday, I already picked it up ---I learned it’s not the job for me. The following day, I did an express exit – first person in the HR room, surrendered my badge, parking pass, and grabbed my flower vase.

Pick-up line - Scene 1
Passing by Starbucks at 7th and Fig with a co-worker, a guy approached and said, “Can you bring the sunshine back?” I can't ignore such a good looking creature so I quickly replied, “Sure, why not? I’ll wish on my wedding ring!”
(A guy sitting nearby having coffee was laughing quietly)

Men!!! His ice breaker might work ---if said fifteen years ago :-)

Pick-up line - Scene 2
I stood in line behind a man waiting to order some pies at Marie Callender’s. He glanced one, he glanced twice, he smiled…and finally spoke.

He said: I love ‘em all (referring to the pies). What about you? Which one do you like?
I said: Hmmm…I like most of them too. In fact the family couldn’t agree on one or two flavors alone so I’m getting one for my husband, one each for my 2 kids, and one for myself.
He said: Oh…
(The smile disappeared, glanced no more)

Total insecurity
Incidents like the above I tell Brack. I’m such an attention-seeker I enjoy making him jealous, but he doesn’t. In the end, I get more insecure…usually ends up asking...”Dad, do you still love me?”

Hands on the wheel, eyes on the road
I’m getting paranoid with people on their cell phones while driving. I almost got into a head-on collision with a man who took almost half my side of the lane because he got his cell on one hand, and obviously, all his attention on his cell talk, while making a left turn. I’m sure his insurance company won’t be happy if they knew.

A dose of caffeine
I was never a coffee drinker, not until late last year, which is not normal in a coffee-drinking country like the US. Now, the stainless coffee mug is a regular on my desk. I hope my dentist won’t mind :-)

This is what happens when my brain is not fertile enough to produce a sensible entry…

‘Till I’m no longer lost in my thoughts…

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