Time doesn't make this article old as its contents is so very true now as it was thirteen years ago when I wrote it. It'll give you an insight of why I chose this man to spend my whole life with....
As the days draws near, we delight in thinking that Valentine’s is just around the corner. What makes the day exciting is the sharing of love, which is primarily what the season is all about. Inspired by commercialism, we have cast the valentine fever everywhere: roses at the streets, chocolates, concerts, dinners, and other sweet little things - are all but a show of sharing our feelings towards our loved ones. But if we dig deeper into thinking how it is to really share love without showy displays – our minds would really wonder how?...then we think of various ways.
Allow me then, to share with you a personal experience of feeling love on a deeper meaning.
One Saturday evening, after hearing mass, I asked my fiancĂ© what is it that he prayed for, he replied, “that there will be peace on earth” – not surprised, but it sounded so unusual so I asked him, “Why don’t you pray for something specific? Something that concerns you, your life and your wishes?” And he answered, “Because everything that I wish for my life depends entirely on what I’d prayed for – Peace on earth.”
Days had passed and I still wondered over the thoughts – then I stopped upon hearing the world news, “The allied forces had fired bombs against Iraq”, the television footages showed innocent people had gotten hurt – lives had been taken, such a cruel sight – a clear indication that peace wasn’t on that side of the earth. Suddenly, there were no longer specific prayers and individual wishes, for life had been ruined and dreams shattered.
I asked myself, should all the people pray for Peace, would it be the same? Maybe the world would be a happier place to live in. Maybe there’d be no war – we don’t know. But one thing’s sure, our life and everything that we dreamed of will turn to waste if there is no peace.
This Valentine season, let’s live with the tradition, let love flourish in the air, but let’s try to indulge less in spending for commercialized expressions of it. Let’s try a meaningful way of doing this – on a general view, maybe a prayer for peace will manifest our love, not just for our loved ones, but for all the people on earth. For isn’t it what God wants of men? “Love one another” and “Peace on earth.”
As for me, things have changed; I share the same feelings with my loved one.
Now we’re two in wishing for that different kind of prayer…can I count you in?... Maria Elizarah 30 January 1993 (A DIFFERENT KIND OF PRAYER WAS PUBLISHED IN LIVEWIRE ON FEBRUARY 1993)
"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed."-- J. Krishnamurti
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I like the article and I was taken aback by the deeper message that it brings that echoes inside of my heart. It is true that many times we pray only for the things that satisfy us and people around us, and with this article I found myself guilty for doing as such. Thanks for reminding us that there are better things to pray for ...
And now... this is for the lovers like me... dedicate for the one we love
In a world of peace, I found silence and tranquility...
In silence I found some peace...
In peace and love, I found happiness...
In happiness, I found you...
Happy Valentine's Day - Feb 14, 2006
Oh, that's so sweet of you guys. I really admire you two. Happy Vday!!!
Hi, Zarah! It's heartening to know that you still have a copy of that article for Livewire which was one of the things I was proud of being involved with at Hayakawa...it's great that you have found th e"love of your life" and that you have both grown well together....BTW, is the Mitzi on the note above, the same Mitzi Ann we used to work with before? Say hi to her for me, will you?
Happy Valentine's day to you and Brack and Abraham and Lemuel....
Hi Anonymous!
Thanks much for the visit and for the thoughtful message...it's not actually me who has the original good deeds, it is hubby. LOL :-)
Hello Mitz!
I appreciate your visit and thank you so much for the sweet comment. Enoy the Valentine!
Hi Ate Debbs!
I missed HEPC too, most of my sweetest and fondest memories are from people there, like you!
It's a different Mitz, I used to communicate with our Mitzin Ann before but we lost the connection, somehow, :-( I'll try to get her email from Anna.
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