My home computer was paralyzed by a
Trojan Zlob virus for a week and it is really a pain for me especially that I needed to download driving directions for our travel agendas. During this infected period, I tried calling
Symantec Corporation to have the virus removed. I’m just surprised when they told me they will be charging me sixty nine dollars to walk me through the process. The virus is not included in their live updates and when I asked why, the technical person told me they still don’t know how the virus gets into the system, but they can cure it. Hmmm…Surely I wouldn’t pay that sixty nine dollars, it is thirty nine dollars more than my annual subscription.
Desperately wanting to restore my computer, I read the manual, for the first time (yes, Virginia! it is not my nature to read manuals), on doing a system recovery. My research however was interrupted by the many features I didn’t know, my PC has. I know I have a DVD and CD burner, a nine-slot card reader, multiple USB ports, but I didn’t know I have such incredible software that came with it. So then my desire to have the PC restored was intensified, it must be done fast, the solution a complete destructive recovery, restore the factory settings. At this point, I called HP Tech Support, only to my dismay that I will be charged forty five dollars to walk me through the destructive recovery process as my warranty is one hundred twenty days expired. No way! Am I being doomed because I’m not an extended warranty person? Options? I went to their website and downloaded the instructions free of charge, thanks to them, it is so detailed and user friendly, I am back on the net.
While in dilemma of an infected system, I learned about firewalls and various anti-spy software, a more secure internet browser with built-in anti virus and anti-spy (for free), and a couple of other things which I can do, myself, to protect my computer from viruses. I felt good and secured that my PC is now up to date and equipped with the necessary tools to prevent infection.
I myself was also troubled in the past days as if I was infected by a virus, that despite the hot weather in Southern California for the past week, the sun didn’t shine on mine. The system is corrupted and the memory is failing, problems here and there, or rather, viruses replicating itself, I need a system recovery, and so I did. Armed with a loving anti-virus Brack 2006 and firewalls of prayers, I am back to factory settings. Aside from this shelter, God sent more freebies through a friend named Debbie, I don’t know why, whenever I’m troubled, she always sends me an inspiring email that suits the current situation, Heaven must be using her.
Of viruses and malicious spies, of troubles and worries, I learned to build a firewall from a reliable source…GOD that is…comes with a free extended warranty.
I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. Stephen Hawking

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