Mavic, will this issue make me a full-pledged blogger?
The format: Enumeration
The rule: Tag five persons to keep the ball rolling
Part I. Five things I enjoy doing:
- Nature tripping, near or far
- Reading, over watching the tube
- Leisure driving, with or without destination
- Singing, over dancing
- Eating, trying out new entrees
The above things are for "pampa-kalma" (to keep me calm) and keeps me focused.
Part II.
3 Names I go by:
- Zarah
- Elizabeth
- Maria Elizarah
3 Screen Names I have had:
- Princess
- "Pitsel" (Pitcher) - ask my silly classmates in highschool why the name
- "Mestisang Bangus" (Imported Milkfish) - courtesy of my first grade teacher, Ms. Gloria Hilario (Teacher I love you! You're always in my memory!)
3 Physical things I like about myself:
- teeth
- hands
- nose
3 Physical things I don't like about myself:
- Legs, super visible spider veins
- Facial skin, pimple marks not of my own doings, should have sued the dermatologist
- Arms, gain few pounds, it shows right away
3 Parts of my heritage:
- Cavitena
- Spanish
- English
3 Things that scare me:
- Creatures that crawl
- Loosing someone I love
- Getting angry, loosing my energy, gaining wrinkles
3 of my Everyday Essentials:
- Cellphone
- Credit cards
- Lipstick
3 of my Favorite Musical Artists:
- Kenny G
- Prince
- Laura Branigan
3 of my Favorite Songs:
- I don't have the heart
- Dance with my father
- The winner takes it all
3 things I Want in a Relationship:
- Security of tenure (self explanatory, hahaha!!!)
- Respect
- Trust
3 Lies and Truths in no particular order
Lies (I heard from people):
- Second chances (oowws?)
- "Don't call us - we'll call you" (hahaha!!!job hunters take note!)
- The best things in life are free (C'mon, wake up and smell the coffee!)
Truths (I have observed):
- Attitude equals altitude
- Learn the rules so you know how to bend them properly
- Expenses greater than income equals deficit (rub that plastic thing!)
3 Physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me:
- Neatness
- Pleasant speaking voice (like my husband!)
- Sparkling eyes
3 of my Favorite Hobbies:
- Traveling
- Shopping
- Reading and blogging
3 Things I want to do really badly now:
- Sleep
- Eat Thai Food
- Loose some weight
3 Careers I'm considering/i've considered:
- Lawyer
- Software developer and computer programmer
- Teacher
3 Places I want to go on vacation:
- The Bahamas
- Palawan
- Cavite, my hometown
3 Kid's names I like:
- Abraham, my eldest
- Lemuel, my youngest
- Maria Veronica (should have been)
3 Things I want to do before I die:
- See my children's children...(i want to grow old first)
- Have a vacation with the entire clan, both sides of the family
- Write a goodbye letter for all my love ones, confess, and be blessed
3 Ways that I am stereotypically female:
- Always into "retail theraphy"
- Vain
- Gets really jealous whenever I catch my husband staring at other women, especially when these other women's outfit is nicer than mine (hahaha!!!)
3 People I admire (more than 3):
- My Lolo (Grandfather) and Lola (Grandmother) from mother's side
- My father-in-law
- My MBA Professors at De La Salle, a couple of them, who has multiple college, masters, and PhDs - I admire them for their persistence in studying and wonders how many books they have read to earn those degrees. What's their secret?
Okay, Rerey get ready! aside from Buh who's already been tagged, you're the only friend I have who's got a blogsite - it's your turn fellow!
"In our play, we reveal what kind of people we are."Ovid
1 comment:
nice.... missed you....
miss ko na karaoke moments natin sa island cove, tsaka lunch out natin with o.m.
treat kita thai food, come ka dito. hehehe
2:57 AM
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