After having "Pork Sinigang" (a popular filipino cuisine) for dinner, I sat on my favorite spot of the sofa. Not in the mood to watch the news or any movie, nor listen to any music, my attention was caught by that little thick book sitting on the tea table. It’s called LOL (Laugh out Loud) a term very popular these days…on the chat room. Seemed to me like my eldest, had just browsed his favorite book again. He bought it when he was in third grade, he will be in sixth grade this coming school year.
Curious why the child is so fond reading it, I grabbed the book and started reading ALOUD the first joke written. To my surprise, I haven’t gone to the punch line and here comes my two boys, rushing to take seats, each of my side and literally sandwiching Mommy! As I approach the punch line there were already three of us laughing hard, so loud for a quiet neighborhood in LA. My husband, in the dining room, flashes a loud smile (that’s how I call a laugh from a distance) as I go on reading the funny lines. Half-way thru, the kids (Abraham is 11 and Lemuel is 9) asked if they could take turns asking funny questions and me guessing the answers, and “sure” was my reply. In my mind, free entertainment, no pressure, why not?!
To my amazement, the kids knows more jokes than I do when I was their age…worst, even more than what I know at this age. Where is my sense of humor? I wanted to be funnier and get more attention when I was younger. I was thinking, if I knew even half of these funny jokes my kids knew and use them effectively, I could be more popular and will not be branded “suplada” (snob). So there I was, sitting rather too much comfortable and being treated to a real good time by this two spontaneous performers. Each stand as they take their turns with their eyes sparkling with laughter, and that mischievous looks on their faces. What a delight for a tired Mom to see, so refreshing.

The jokes they cracked maybe old and retold many times before by many, but most of it I heard for the first time, just last night. It was so hilarious hearing them from kids who could barely get to the punch line because they can’t hold on to their laughter. It’s the moment I enjoyed most. I was fully entertained even without the punch line.
Sample of their jokes?
Abraham: What do you find in a clean nose?
Answer : Fingerprints
Lemuel : What is invisible and smells like carrots?
Answer : Rabbit’s fart
Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!........I never got an answer right. I'm missing a lot. The only joke I knew which I borrowed from my husband has been told by me over and over to friends and relatives each time we dine out or eat together that they could already anticipate the exact timing I would pop the line.
After an hour or so, I was so tired, had too much gas, (burp...f#$t) but so happy at the experience. I was so thankful for the laughter except when my nose starts milking, my eyes teary, and my youngest spitting on my arm ! yakkkks!!!
A night to treasure!

“One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms. It is not only more effective; it is also vastly more intelligent.”
i like it... way to go dude...
woooohoooooo!!!! blogging rules :-)
welcome aboard, igan!
finally!!! you created a page to write down your thoughts and share it with everyone.
i hope you'd be as spontaneous in your articles as you are in open conversations. forget about being politically correct. this is YOUR page... translation: freedom.
keep them coming! i wanna read more.
What a Night...!!!
BuFrias said you're a Batchmate. Welcome New kidz on the Blog.
Add ko Blog mo sa link list ko...
Ingat & Keep Blogging...
How did I wind up here?
Doesnt matter, good page man! :)
how are you, princess? i just met Ento Varias, Willy Sangil, Edgar Roldan, Juvy and Alex Balan, hmmm.. yun lang, stop thinking who i would say next..
ok, keep blogging!
first, it was bu, now you. now i can read the thoughts of two ladies... hmm does that make me a mind-reader?
keep on blogging, dear princess...
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