Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Have you felt it yet?

Thanksgiving like Halloween is a very popular and endeared occasion in the US. After living in this country for almost eight years, I have learned to embrace Thanksgiving, although Christmas remains inimitable and will forever be the holiday dearest to my heart.

A week ago, a friend posted on Face Book, “is it Christmas yet?” A couple of friends commented, “Not soon enough.” I said, “It could be, seek you heart.” Christmas exists in the heart and manifests outside. This is my belief. It could be months and months ahead of time but a person may have felt Christmas already. Or it could be Christmas everyday for some people. Depending on whether our hearts and minds feel PEACE and LOVE, the spirit of Christmas.

When people go through pain, sickness, or hardships, it may already be Christmas Day but it’s hard for them to feel it. The year that passed, I was among those people. Bald, lonely, and weak, I couldn’t feel peace and love. I was empty even if surrounded by loved ones and material things that once excite me. But thank God, times passes so quickly and I felt Christmas early again this year. Love always comes down for me on Christmas. My older son was born on Christmas. I guess I shouldn’t have to remind myself that love is always here every time.

How ‘bout you? Have you felt Christmas yet? I mean, as in Christmas, Christmas?


bu said...

i was driving on the way home when i heard a song on the radio with this message : "little miracles happen everyday" -- therefore, it's christmas all year round!

meri krismas, igs..

Zarah Dizon said...

ur right igs...