Monday, December 01, 2008

In and Out

I went to Costco today and while having lunch at the food court I observed the women passing by, focusing on their hair. Some had really nice hair, some, worst than just a bad hair day, yet hair, they have. I missed mine.

One dose of chemo and mine is all over the place, on the bed, on the floor, in the trash. Loosing your hair other than how Britney Spears lost hers is appalling and disheartening, even if already expected. A wig is still a wig, no matter how stylish it is. People pay for wigs, they are happy. I got mine for free, I am not quite happy.

At the end of the day, I consoled myself… “Outside, I am getting ugly, inside, something beautiful is happening, the slipping hair affirms it.”

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