They say that if you want to stay young, you should lie about your age. Much as I want to, I was so vocal of my age before that it’s too late for me to lie about it this time. Better yet, I’ll just stop counting for I did, celebrate another birthday last month. Upside? Wisdom and experience, I’m a year wiser. Downside? Eye cream, night cream, moisturizers, and every other product I am used to seeing my mother use are now occupying most of my dresser space. Scary…
What’s with birthdays anyways? A week of treat. This is what I like in Uncle Sam’s country. If it’s your birthday, you can expect to have lunches, dinners, and treats without shedding-out a single cent. Very much different with how birthdays are celebrated in the Philippines – its either you throw a party at your home or take your friends and family someplace to have a good time, in both cases however, you most probably will pay for it.
Kristine started my birthday week with a lunch at Pasta Primavera. 
The day of my birthday was a Pirate party at AON Center. 
Friday was lunch with good buddies in Accounting Department, again Pasta Primavera.

Weekend was a buffet with family and relatives.

Speaking of birthdays, I share birth month with a close friend from high school –
igan Bu. I haven’t seen her since the high school reunion in
Cavite City, our hometown, in 2000. Bu came to the west coast for business and we got to see each other in
Long Beach. Imagine the scene at Westin’s Room 946? Loud? Nope! Worst!!! It was a night of flattery and complementing each other by saying…”
Igs, maganda ka pa din!” (Friend, you’re still beautiful!) “
Ikaw din igs!” (You too Friend!) Not only that, Brack had to stand at different corners of the restaurant just to get the best angle of us, trying hard to hide the undesirable fats. What do you expect from certified vain people anyways?
But it’s not all vanity; they say too that July-born women are more loving and caring than women of other birth months.

Here, look at igan's luggage-full of just purses and shoes, yes exclusive for just purses and shoes to use for a five-day business trip with matching pirate treasures…she has a big bag, or a chest, full of these thingies she calls “happiness.” Isn’t that loving and caring? Of oneself it is – and vanity is the right word. No matter how it started – it ends up to the V-thingy. Well…it’s our birthday – so just bear with us on this blog. 
Igs, thanks for these lovely thingies on my ears and neck :-)
To me fair friend, you never can be old. For as you were when first your eye I eye'd, such seems your beauty still. William Shakespeare
P.S. Big hug and kisses to all my friends who remembered me on my birthday with their emails, ecards, phone calls, treats, and gifts :-)